Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Small problems fixed

Ok, I had a little bit of time today, so I fixed:
* "Orboros" is the correct spelling. It is spelled wrong numerous times in the Circle area...
* collection: preatorian with circle, Kaya&laris; 2 models, kromac 2 models
* Some typos in the Troolbloods list: Stone Scribe Chronicler, Runeshapers
* Commodore only with Shae
* Just noticed "Thagrosh" and "Saeryn" are also typoed.
* I noticed a few things not working right. You cannot select Legion in the collection editor, "Lylyth" should be spelled with all "y"s, and their artillery is the "Scather Crew".
* Saxon Orrik should not be legal for Legion lists. He works for almost everyone, but not Legion.
* Just noticed that Orrik is also appearing in Cygnar and Highborn. He works for all factions except Cygnar, Legion, and Retribution. He can only be played in Four Star mercenary contract armies.

Some of the bigger stuff has to wait, sorry. This is stuff like tier problems, lesser warbeasts not from beast points, etc.


  1. Hi,
    The Hordes stuff is excellent. In fact the whole site is great. One minor typo for Legion - Carnivian should be Carnivean.


  2. The Kaelyssa Tier 3 have a problem, it's mage hunter solos, not mage hunter assassins solos
